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Tired Eyes: Symptoms and Tips to Fix It

3 minutes of reading

Dry eyes, pronounced dark circles, heavy eyelids, vision problems... So many symptoms which prove that your eyes are tired and that they need a well-deserved rest! With screens becoming more and more present in our daily lives, the symptom of tired eyes is common. Fortunately for you, there are many natural and easy treatments to remedy this. 

Find out how to decongest your eyelids and find hydrated and healthy eyes!

What are the symptoms of tired eyes?

yeux fatigues symptomes

Do your eyes seem dry, red, and tight? Look no further, these are the first symptoms of tired eyes!

Caused by blue light from screens, a lack of brightness, or wearing lenses too frequently on sensitive eyes, eye fatigueis a daily discomfort that does not treated, can cause lasting vision problems. 😓

Here's how to recognize the symptoms of tired eyes:

  • Feeling of irritation and dryness
  • Red, watery eyes
  • Blurred or splitting vision
  • Headache

Eye fatigue can have a direct impact on your concentration, vision and well-being. Also, here are all our tips for treating tired eyes naturally. 🤓

Massage as a solution to tired eyes

The eye massager, do you know? This eye mask that looks like big glasses sits on your scalp to massage your congested temples and specific spots around your eyes. It allows you to rest your eyes, rehydrate them, while enjoying a moment of relaxation at home.

How does it work?The Magnet-Relax Eye Massager is based on technology that combines magnetotherapy and eye reflexology to massage specific points around the eyes and stimulate the energy meridians. This helps rebalance the energy in the body and promote blood circulation. 

Thanks to these two ancestral and natural medicines, the treated areas of the face are completely relaxed and fluids can circulate again. Reduction of stress, treatment of headaches, of dizziness, rest for the eyes: your face emerges relaxed and soothed from your eye massager session. 💗

Reduce dark circles with a daily massage

Black or visible dark circlesare also one of the main symptoms of tired eyes. Many creams exist to combat it, but their effectiveness can depend largely from one individual to another. In treatments against dark circles, wrinkles, or even cellulite, the effectiveness of massage no longer needs to be proven, and it remains a simple and natural solution to find less puffy and younger eyes. 💆‍♀

Masseur Oculaire Reduire Cernes

How does it work? Thanks to an innovative thermal function, the Magnet-Relax Eye Massager will stimulate blood circulation and boost collagen production.In just a few sessions, your eyes appear more youthful and luminous, and your dark circles and wrinkles appear less deep and pronounced. 

Not only is the massage around the eyes pleasant, but it also allows you to find sparkling eyes that last!

Discover the Eye Massager to reduce dark circles

Other simple tips to recover from tired eyes

Tired eyes often appear in the evening, after a long day focused or behind the screens. 

You can implement some rituals to rest your eyes and help with better recovery:

  • Turn off all screens for 1 hour. Give yourself some time without a screen in the kitchen or in your garden to rest your eyes tired of blue light. 📱💻
  • On two large cotton pads, apply cornflower floral lotion and gently press them onto your closed eyes for a few minutes. The cornflower lotion will immediately give a feeling of pleasant freshness, and its natural properties will help decongest your heavy or swollen eyelids, and tone your epidermis.
  • When you wake up, do some eye gymnastics to hydrate them naturally and stimulate them upon waking. With your eyelids closed, gently roll your eyes in their sockets from top to bottom then from left to right to stimulate the circulation of lymph and gently wake your eyes. 

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