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Massage cushions

A massage cushion is a portable electronic device which consists of reducing back pain and relaxing the muscles. So you fight pain caused by poor posture, stress and muscle tension. The massage cushion has the advantage of offering a moment of well-being wherever you are, at home, in the office or in the car. Thanks to it, you can relax your body and mind after a busy day of work or sport.

Choosing the right electric massage cushion

When choosing a massage cushion, there is a wide panel that differs in their operation and the targeted massage areas. Depending on the needs of each in terms of comfort and physical condition, the possibilities are numerous! 

The back massage cushion


The massage cushion for the back is a modern and innovative device that aims to relieve muscle pain and to prevent back and neck pain. 

In itself, the back massage cushion has the ability to relieve muscle fatigue through a mechanical action on the skin. It is a practical solution for those who cannot afford expensive therapies.

The massage cushions have different functions adapted to your needs. So you have several options:

  • Kneading: simulates thumb pressure;
  • Tapping: simulates finger tapping;
  • Shiatsu: simulates rapid finger pressure;
  • bearing : simulates the circular movements performed with the fist during a shiatsu massage.

The many advantages of using this product are based on its strengths: comfort, speed, efficiency and ease of use. The back massage cushion is the ideal solution to relax after a hard day's work.

The shiatsu massage cushion


Le massage cushion shiatsu is a high-end massage device. As a means of relaxation and pain relief, it can help you sleep better and improve your blood circulation. 

This massage cushion has two main functions: relaxation and pain relief. It stimulates the nervous system and relaxes the body, the mind. Moreover, it also relieves muscle tension, thereby reducing pain in the neck, shoulders, back and legs. 

In addition to its physical benefits, this product also has psychological benefits. When used correctly, it soothes stress and anxiety by calming the mind. The shiatsu massage cushion can also help with insomnia by relieving muscle tension so you can sleep better.

The neck massage cushion

The neck is an area that is regularly stressed and which, therefore, can cause pain. To soothe them, the massage cushion for the neck is a tool that allows you to reduce neck pain. It is recommended for people who have daily pain in the neck, shoulders and back. 

This cushion is unique because it releases tension in the neck muscles, with a gentle but effective massage. Clearly, the benefits of this massage allow you to:

  • Relieve painful sensations due to contractures or tension of the neck muscles;
  • Relieve headaches and migraines;
  • Reduce the effects of stress on the cervical vertebrae;
  • Improve the quality of sleep.

The heated massage cushion

The heated massage pad is a mechanical device that can be used to help in the treatment of back pain. Although it cannot replace physical therapy, it can help relieve back pain by providing pressure and heat.

The functions of the heated massage cushion are numerous. Moreover, he uses infrared heat technology to relieve tension, promote circulation and reduce muscle spasms.

The pain it relieves is the type of pain that occurs after prolonged sitting or after strenuous activity (like sports). The well-being it brings is the relaxation and comfort felt after using this product. The best thing about this product is that you don't have to go to a spa or salon to get these benefits!

How to use the massage cushion?

neck massage pillow devise relieve fatigue

The places of use

And electric cushion can be placed almost anywhere. However, some places are conducive to its use. 

To start at home, you can use the massage cushion while watching TV or reading on the couch. Thus, you take a break with your cushion to eliminate stress.

Then in an office, a cushion can be placed on a chair to provide a massage at any time during work.

Finally in the car, you can place it on your seat for a comfortable and relaxing massage when you are tired.

The work of each part of the body

Everyone's body is different, so the best way to use a massage cushion is to understand its functions and work from there.

The massage cushions have various zones that act on several parts of the body.

The folder area : it acts on the entire back, from the neck to the lower back. You can adjust this area by increasing or decreasing the intensity of the massage as you see fit.

The shoulder area : if you want a more concentrated massage, working only on the shoulder area, you can use this particular area. 

Frequency and maintenance

You can use your massage cushion as much as you want. However, the frequency of its use can vary depending on several factors, such as your state of health, the severity of your problems and the power of the massage cushion itself. 

In general, it is recommended for a healthy person to use a massage cushion three times per week. You should know that the recommended duration for a massage session is 20 minutes.

If you're looking for the occasional release of muscle tension and soreness after exercise or a stressful day at work, your massage cushion will be a great ally. You can use it as often as you feel the need to relieve tension in the muscles.

However, if you are an athlete who trains daily or if you suffer from a chronic condition such as arthritis, it is advisable not to use it too often and to follow the manufacturer's instructions or the advice of your doctor. .

For people whose profession involves driving or sitting for a long time, massage cushions are a great way to relieve pain.

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